In the new century, what we need to know is that while we are pursuing villa elevators, we can’t just look at the price to measure the quality of villa elevators. At the same time, customers who purchase villa elevators must also understand the product performance. Cheap. Customers should choose according to their own scale and needs, rather than just looking at which price is high.
1. Whether it is authorized by the state and whether it can issue relevant qualification certificates is a more critical point. The scale of the production enterprise does not have to be large, but the cost is refined. From the telephone or online customer service conversations to learn more product information, you can see whether it is professional.
2. The elevator user unit shall establish elevator safety technical files. Moreover, the safety technical file includes at least the following content: special equipment use registration form; installation, modification, major maintenance supervision and inspection report, periodic inspection report; product qualification certificates, type test certificates, drawings, etc. of elevators and their parts and safety protection devices Technical data; relevant data and records during installation, renovation, and major repairs; as well as elevator maintenance records, daily inspection and usage records, and some reports on the elevators used should be kept for at least two years, and other data should be kept for a long time.

3. It is necessary to believe that seeing is believing and hearing is fictitious. Many people are not at ease. They go to the physical store to find out. This is a reassuring measure. After all, it is for family members to understand the product and experience the product. People are relieved a lot. Therefore, it is not correct to blindly choose a villa elevator based on the price of the villa elevator, and it needs to be understood in many ways.
4. Villa elevators are generally only used by private residences, that is, their own family members. They are also a type of household elevators. This type of elevator can also be installed outside of non-single family residences. The function is for family members to enter and exit. Residence use. The general speed and stroke of the villa elevator are strictly regulated, and the weight of the elevator should not be too high.